Radical. Future. Thinking.

We believe in thinking radically different about the collective good, our planet, & the future.

We’re committed to fostering positive change and thinking radically differently about the collective good, our planet, and the future. By collaborating with inspired communities, local artists, and dedicated teams, we create beautiful branding and exciting experiences, implement sustainable systems to contribute to a brighter future for generations, and nurture a world that thrives on the harmony between humanity, technology, and the natural environment.

Website Design & Asset Creation

In collaboration with teams at Lively and Last Rev, the website redesign for Livelyme.com has yielded significant improvements across key metrics. The concerted effort resulted in a 5.3% decrease in bounce rate, indicating enhanced user retention and engagement. The redesign led to a 16.5% increase in engagement time, suggesting that visitors are spending more time exploring the website's content. The average pages per session surged by 8.3%, demonstrating enhanced navigation and content discoverability. Individual conversion rates saw a substantial boost of 7.1%, indicating a more effective user journey and a higher likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. This collaborative effort not only revitalized the Lively website but also delivered tangible results — enhancing the user experience and driving conversions.

Website Content & Data Migration

The Surfrider Foundation decided to migrate over 200 chapters, clubs, and advocate programs to the HubSpot CRM a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform. We were tasked with migrating the content & user information of the largest volunteer run chapter over to HubSpot from WordPress and MailChimp. Working with the program leads we consolidated their contacts with the master lists from MailChimp. The combined list (10,000 ± contacts) were then imported into HubSpot. As pages were ported over we streamlined and cleaned up content to incentivize reaching out to program leads and subscribing to newsletters. The content, data, and user migration resulted in increased involvement with the local community and attendance to in-person events.

Corporate & Private Beach Clean Up Programs

The San Francisco Surfrider Foundation was looking to hire a it’s first full-time employee or Chapter Coordinator. We were asked to develop a repeatable, low-cost fundraising system to pay for the the yearly salary and other administrative costs. Local organizations, companies, and foundations donated skills, time, and money to the local chapter in exchange for a two-hour beach clean up. Volunteers who attended picked up trash and collected data. With no outreach, over the course of a 12-month period of time the program raised $150,000, a 12% increase over the previous four years, and removed over 2,000 pounds of trash from the beach, and established connections for future outreach and fundraising.

Torani’s Puremade Stories — Editing

The Puremade Stories series celebrates Torani’s mission-aligned partners working to help underserved individuals in the cafe industry thrive in working life. Featuring Veronica Grimm, a proud transgender woman and founder of Glitter Cat Barista. The collaboration highlighted Veronica’s journey in finding her true self and her efforts to help others do the same by reimagining the coffee industry through competition and community to empower marginalized hospitality professionals.

Edit the orignal 03:30:00 video to five 00:30:00 videos (including a Behind the Scenes clip) for various aspect ratios, social media channels, and devices.

Data-Driven Earth Day Infographic

Worked with Snowflake to create an Earth Day infographic and social media campaign to raise awareness about climate change and carbon emissions. By harnessing the power of data, we developed compelling visuals to convey that the best Earth Day gift might be a new tree or three to help preserve our planet. The process begins with extensive research and analysis, gathering data from reliable sources and organizations dedicated to environmental studies. We delved into climate change, deforestation, pollution, carbon capture, and renewable energy and carefully selected vital statistics and trends highlighting the most pressing concerns. With this data, we embarked on the creative journey of designing the infographic, choosing a visually appealing layout that effectively communicates the message. Charts, graphs, and illustrations present data in a digestible format, allowing viewers to grasp complex information at a glance. Combining striking visuals with concise, impactful text ensured that the infographic captivates attention and motivates viewers to take action. Whether reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainable practices, or advocating for conservation, the data-driven Earth Day infographic became a powerful tool to inspire positive change and foster a greater appreciation for our planet's well-being.

Real California Milk — Editing

Partnered with Tone Oliver Productions to create the video series promoting Real California Milk and The Black Food Collective. Responsible for editing and assembling recorded raw material into a suitable, finished product ready for broadcasting & intricately captured the essence of local chefs. The material included camera footage, interviews, sound effects, graphics and special effects.

Website Redesign, Content, & Data Migration

Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) engages member companies and recruits partners through education and encourages participation in energy policy changing initiatives. Policy and legislation changes quickly. We were asked to create a system that would allow policy leads to quickly update the website without additional workload on developers. We worked with the communications, marketing and development teams to identify and implement specific improvements on both the front and backend. In order to keep up emerging energy regulations, the AEE website was redesigned and migrated to a HubSpot Content Management System (CMS). By implementing a CMS, projects leads were be able to make timely content updates. By building templates on a flexible and responsive Bootstrap foundation, content updates became more efficient and streamlined the look and feel of the overall site.

Design System & Branding

The design system and brand were essential for the Ohio Advanced Energy Economy to establish a consistent visual identity and effectively communicate the org's message to their audience. The design system sets guidelines and principles and provides assets that help ensure consistency across all visual communication materials. At the same time, a brand is an organization's emotional and conceptual representation.

It was essential to define the core elements of the organization's visual identity to create the design system, such as color palette, typography, iconography, and imagery. These elements are based on the organization's values and message and are consistent across all materials, from print to digital. The design system includes guidelines for layout and composition, ensuring a consistent and cohesive visual language.

Creating the brand involved developing a narrative and personality for the organization. This included defining the brand's values, tone of voice, and target audience. Creating a visual identity that reflected the brand's personality and resonated with its target audience was also essential. This included creating a logo and selecting a color palette and typography that communicated the brand's values and personality.

Ultimately, the design system and brand work together to create a consistent and recognizable visual identity for Ohio Advanced Energy Economy, which helps establish trust and connection with its audience.